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作者:stephen    文章来源:Gogo英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-5-13 【我来说两句

Jesse: (with an envy tone) That's a G-shock, right? I WISH I had one just like that!
(her voice is getting softer) but my mom won't allow me....
Sam: What?
(Class bell rings and the students are ready for the monthly test.)
(Lights out with the steps of the teacher getting in and out.)
Act 2: Friday, Dec.23, one day before the Christmas Party.
They don't have to wear uniforms today!
Nico: (running back into the classroom with the newest grade list) Congratulations, Mark. You've got the number one again!
Sandra: What? You've got the number one again? (with an envy tone) You must be a genius!
Nico: Right, you must have a photographic memory or something.
Ellen: Unlike YOU, ladies. Mark is a much better student than you. Maurice: That's not very nice, Ellen. (To Sandra) Don't worry about it, just study harder next time, you'll do much better next time.
Mark: (cut from study) Anyway, I can't believe it myself, either. God! I'm incredible. I didn't study at all, you know. Anyway....
Sam: Anyway, genius. What are we going to wear for tomorrow's party? Give us some advice since you're so smart?
Jesse: Yeah!
Mark: Well, I... don't know yet... .but it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.
Ellen: Nonesense, Mark! What does your brain have to do with choosing an outfit? OR, maybe you could give us some tips, (To Mark) right, Mark?
Jesse: I can see your brain isn't working well with your choosing outfit. HA! Ellen: You...
Jesse: Look! Look at that girl! Oh' I wish I had this kind of lips, and dress and shoes and flgure... OH!
Sam: (push Jesse) Right! You wish you had them all, right, Cinderella! Jesse: (feel innocent) Why did you say that?
Ellen: Don't you say that, Sam. She is just "dreaming" and "fantasizing"... Ha! Ha! Oops, sorry, a person of integrity, like myseW, shouldn't say things like that! I'm sorry.
Nico: Since when you started to be concerned with "Integrity".
Maurice: Guy, guy, you know what you're doing now? A party is just a party! No big deal, OK? What we are supposed to wear shouldn't be a problem!
Sandra: Right! We probably should all wear uniforms...
Ellen: Hello, anybody home? If you don't dress well, you could end up looking like a big joke.
Sam and Jesse are thinking aloud about the party
Sam: Look at these Levis 501! They're so cool. I would look killer if I wore them.
Jesse: How dare they laugh at me! Look at these fancy clothes. One, just one, I would die for any piece on me! Oh' look at those Levis!
Sam: But, how can I get the money? I'm running out of my allowance for this month. What excuse could I use to get more money from Dad?
Jesse: How can I possibly have those kinds of clothes? I know Sam will dress like a prince tomorrow and I, I will be the princess. Somehow, someway, I'll ask Mom to get one for me no matter what!
Sam: Forget it! I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. Ijust hope Jesse, the Cinderella, wouldn't think of dressing match me. What the heck! Money! (money) Fashion!
Jesse: Sam, do you mind teaching me how to dress for tomorrow?
Sam: Well, ..OK. What do you got?
Ellen: (To Mark) Should we do some shopping tonight, Mark?
Sandra: Yeah, let's go shopping!
Ellen: Although I don't have much money with me...
Sandra: I don't, either.


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