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作者:stephen    文章来源:纽约时报    点击数:    更新时间:2010-3-31 【我来说两句


Planetary Alignment Decreases Gravity


1976: The British astronomer Patrick Moore announced on BBC Radio 2 that at 9:47 AM a once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event was going to occur that listeners could experience in their very own homes. The planet Pluto would pass behind Jupiter, temporarily causing a gravitational alignment that would counteract and lessen the Earth's own gravity. Moore told his listeners that if they jumped in the air at the exact moment that this planetary alignment occurred, they would experience a strange floating sensation. When 9:47 AM arrived, BBC2 began to receive hundreds of phone calls from listeners claiming to have felt the sensation. One woman even reported that she and her eleven friends had risen from their chairs and floated around the room.

1976年愚人节,英国天文学家Patrick Moore说,早上9:47时,一个千载难逢的天文现象就要发生:冥王星会从木星后面经过,导致暂时的重力失调,抵消并消减地球上的万有引力,因此人们能体会到一种奇妙的漂浮感觉。9:47,BBC电台接到无数电话,人们声称感到自己漂浮起来了。一个女人甚至说,她和她的朋友从椅子上飘起来,在房间里荡来荡去。

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