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作者:stephen    文章来源:环球时报    点击数:    更新时间:2010-6-8 【我来说两句



001 taking off your coat, you are so Bainen, in light of the Youxiang, Tianyi Tian again on a bite, my heart fly Cloud Nine, ah, I love dumplings!

001 脱去你的外衣,你是那样白嫩,发着淡淡的幽香,舔一舔再咬上一口,我心飞上九霄云外,啊,粽子我的至爱!



002 of the dumplings is thoroughly into the sea, because your mind like the sea, like the broad, do not forget to vote in an own dumplings! I wish a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

002 粽子该是透入大海的,因为你的胸怀像大海一样的宽广,别忘了给自己投一个粽子!祝端午节快乐!

003 Mom: I used to force you to eat dumplings. Today, Haier is not the mother who, by weaving a message sent to your virtual dumplings, Mr Laofulaomu world peace!

003 老妈:从前你会强迫我吃粽子.而今,孩儿不在母亲身边,用短信编织一个虚拟的粽子送给您,祈天下老父老母平安!

004 piece of good news: The Dragon Boat Festival the same day, the first two digits of the phone is 13 users can go to the free on-street stalls for dumplings, of course, prior to being applied and who runs the burn ointment to prevent the water pouring into.

004 喜讯:端午节当天,手机号头两位数字是13的用户,可以到街边小摊上免费领取粽子,当然,事先要抹上烫伤膏以防被摊主的开水泼到。

005 I originally bought dumplings to give you, and made a short message to you, but the thieves got your phone, dear, we jump with Jiang Zemin!

005 我原来是买了粽子要送你的,并且发了短消息给你,但小偷拿了你的手机,亲爱的,我们一起跳江吧


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