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经济适用房相关英语Economical Housing

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-19 【我来说两句



经济适用房的英语是:Economical Housing


Housing sold at low prices to low-income earners to get them affordable shelters.

Starting in 1998, the central government decided to offer favorable policies to

housing developers so that they could build apartments of specified sizes and prices. Families

 with living floor space or income under given standards could apply for purchasing the apartments at prices much lower than the market prices. Eligibility standards for purchasing economical housing are set by provincial authorities according to local

situations. Economical housing is subject to special clauses for trading in market,

 which discourage profiting from the property. It is an integrated part of the State efforts to shelter groups with limited financial resources.



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