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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-8-2 【我来说两句

Sometimes only the strongest words can express your feelings. The following ten sentences are perfect for practicing your English,because the louder you yell them,the more authentic they sound! If you can master these ten classic yelling sentences, you will always have the last word in an argument.

1.What's your promblem?

Men are often confused by women's behavior. A woman will say something she has been thinking about for a long time and the man will just response with a bewildered, "What's your promblem?"男人通常捉摸不透女人的行为。一个女人可能会把她考虑了很久到事情说出来,但男人却迷惑地说:“你怎么回事啊?”

2.Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?
This sentences is useful to blurt out when someone tells you something outrageous.你有人告诉你某个过分夸张的事情时,你就可以脱口而出这句话。

3.What's the meaning of this?
This is a pretty good sentence. When an employer catches his employees screwing around he can bellow, "What's the meaning of this?" and they'll scurry back to their desks.这是做老板的人很喜欢的句子。当老板抓到员工游手好闲时,他就会大吼:“What's the meaning of this?”然后他们就会飞快地跑回自己的座位上了。

4.Who do you think you're talking to?
When someone addresses you in a rude of voice, or talks wo you like a child, this is the sentence to use.当别人用粗鲁的语气对你说话,或是把你当小孩说教时,就用这句话来对付他。

5.Don't look at me like that!
This sentence is so commonly heard in argument because often eyes can say what the mouth cannot!这句话在争吵中经常能够听到,因为嘴巴不能表达的东西往往眼睛能够做到。

6.I wish I'd never met you!
This sentence is very dramatic and very good way to gain the upper hand in an argument by making the other person feel bad!这个句子非常生动,是争吵中使对方难受而占上风的好办法。

7.Don't give me your attitude!
American teachers always have to use this sentence to remind students not to have a bad attitude when they are corrected!美国的老师经常要用这句话来提醒学生们,在老师纠正他们的错误时态度要端正。

8.We're through!
This is a classic "break-up"sentence. For some reason it never is as final as it sounds!这是一个经典的“分手”用词。由于种种原因,它总是没有听起来那么彻底。

9.You're way too much!
This is one of my personal favorites! I always yell this sentence when I am frustrated or impatient with someone!这是我个人最喜欢用的句子之一!在我被激怒或者对某人感到不耐烦的时候shihoiuwo总是会大喊这个句子!

10.That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
This sentence is a favorite quote of Bill Gates. He is known for shouting this at Microsoft meetings when someone puts forth a silly idea! Surprisingly enough, his confrontational style inspire his employees to push their limits and surpass their own goals.这是比尔盖茨最爱说的一句话。众所周知,如果有人在微软公司的会议上提出一个愚蠢的想法,他就会嚷嚷这句话,更让人吃惊的人,他这种对抗性的风格激励着他的员工发挥个人极限、超越自我目标。

用英语表达出你自己的情绪,证明你的英语水平就从现在开始吧!不断地操练!相信自己一定能行的!坚持!坚持!good luck!



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