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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-10-21 【我来说两句




Darwin considered blushing the "most peculiar" of human expressions, and had a hell of a time trying to explain why people would evolve such an obvious tell for when we're lying or feel vulnerable, considering our lives and relationships are all built on a precarious foundation or half-lies, unspoken truths and outright bullshit.

More than a century later, we still don't understand blushing any better than Darwin did.

Science's Wild-Ass Guess:

One idea is that blushing developed as a way of appeasing and submitting to dominant members of society. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense though as everyone blushes, dominant personality or not, and the whole process is involuntary anyway. Relying on something that you can't control to please the tribe leader back in primitive times seems like a good way to get yourself tossed in the volcano.

Yep, you're adorable. Still, though. To the volcano.

Others have gone the complete opposite direction, positing that blushing is not a sign of submission, but one of anger. We're all narcissists at heart and when somebody publicly shows us up or embarrasses us, blushing is basically us sending them an involuntary screw-you. We can see why some would like this theory, since it makes someone who blushes and mumbles their way through all their social interactions sound like a badass.


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