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闪电约会心理:Speed-Dating Roles

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-11-18 【我来说两句

发表在《心理科学》(Psychological Science)杂志上的一项研究揭示,在闪电约会中,相比于那些在房间里来回走动的人,那些坐着不动的人倾向于更加挑剔。 Speed-Dating Roles Influence Attraction Perception
  For folks who’ve engaged in the strange ritual of “speed dating,” finding that special someone is like winning a romantic game of musical chairs. Now scientists from Northwestern University say that the results depend on who’s doing the circling and who gets to sit.
  If you’re not familiar with the process, in a typical bout of speed dating women are seated at a table and men come up to join them. The couples chat for a few minutes, and when the timer goes off the men stand up and move to the next table. At the end of the evening, participants fill out a score card indicating which partners they might like to see again. In this situation, it seems that the guys are usually less selective than the gals. They express interest in following up with more of their dates.
  But when psychologists turned the tables and asked the boys to remain seated while the girls did the rotating, the results also did a 180—and the ladies became less picky, findings published in the journal Psychological Science. So the mere act of moving toward a potential mate seems to make that person more attractive. Which means that beauty may well be in the eye of the approacher.
  对于那些参加形式有些奇怪的“闪电约会”的男人来说,找到知己就像是在音乐椅游戏中胜出一样。目前来自西北大学(Northwestern University)的科学家们说,闪电约会的结果取决于谁坐着以及谁来回走动。
  如果你对过程不熟悉的话,通常情况下,在闪电约会中女士一般都是坐在桌旁,而男士会走过来加入到女士中来。这对男女会聊几分钟,时间到了之后,男士会起身 离开,继而和另外一张桌子上的女士“约会”。闪电约会结束后,参与者填写一张得分表,这张得分表显示出他们可能喜欢和某个“伴侣”继续约会。在这种情况 下,男士似乎通常都没有女士挑剔,男士们对他们的约会对象表现出更多的兴趣。
  但是当心理学家让男士坐着,而让女士来回走之后,结果出现了180度的大转弯---这时候女士们变得没有男士们挑剔了,这项结果发表在《心理科学》 (Psychological Science)杂志上。因此仅仅是走向潜在的伴侣似乎就能使这个人显得更加有吸引力,这意味着,“追求者”眼里可能也出西施。


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