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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-11-18 【我来说两句

  5. True对
  Six mini-mealseaten throughout the day can effectively keep you satisfied. Thefoods selected should be healthy and the total amount of caloriesshould not exceed the amount needed to maintain or loseweight。
  6. False错 
  Skipping mealsactually may have the opposite effect. Studies have found thatpeople who skip meals during the day tend to be heavier than peoplewho eat the right foods four or five times a day. When you skip ameal, you may be slowing down your body’s metabolism--thus, makingyour body require fewer calories and converting extra calories tofat。
  How’d you do? 你该怎么做?
  Yogurt plays arole in bone health and strengthens the immune system. Spinach,kale, bok choy and romaine are great sources of nutrients helpfulfor bones, heart and eyes. Tomatoes decrease the risk of certaincancers and heart disease. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and yellow bellpeppers are wonderful sources of carotenoids, which fightcancer。
  Fruits such asblueberries, strawberries, purple grapes and raisins contain manyantioxidants to help prevent memory changes as we age and also tohelp prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease。来源:考
  Grains,including oats and wild rice, lower the risk of heart disease.Heart-healthy fats can come from walnuts, almonds, peanuts,pistachios and flaxseed。

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