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出乎意料的婚礼An Unexpected Wedding

作者:Aby    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-2 【我来说两句

My name is George Brown, an engineer working in Sydney. One day, I was invited to my colleague Michael’s wedding. However, since Michael and I worked at different departments , I knew little about him and his wife-to-be. Having no idea about the wedding gift, I turned to Joey, a close friend of Michael, for help.

 “Michael’s wedding? ”Joey looked at me with a bit of surprise, and then, an enigmatic smile appeared on his face. “That will be amazing! Michael is so lucky to find such a perfect bride. Needless to say, they are 100% matched!”

 “Really?”I asked delightedly, “Then I’ve figured out what the most suitable gift will be for them.”

On Wednesday morning, Joey and I arrived at the wedding hall half an hour ahead. The hall had been elaborately decorated with beautiful pink flowers. No sooner had we entered the hall than Michael saw us, and he came to us with a cheerful smile on his radiant face.

“Congratulations!” I gave my present to him, “Wish you a long and happy marriage!”

 “Thank you very much.” Michael replied in an exciting voice. Then he turned to Joey, who gave him a firm embrace and said:

“Michael, my dear friend, I have never thought that you will get married so early, but I have to say, you’re so lucky to find Jane. Such a charming person!”

“Thanks, Joey. I’m sure Jane is the very person that I have been looking for! Well, Mr. Brown,” Michael said to me kindly,“There will still be a while before the wedding. I’m sure Jane is bored to stay at the lounge alone. Maybe you can…” 

“OK, that’s my pleasure.

Holding a cup of coffee, I went to the lounge. Personally speaking, I was curious about Jane, who was spoken highly of by everyone. When I was five metres away from the lounge, the door opened. A young lady, wearing a long white dress with a velvet veil on her face, stepped out with a handsome man. I was shocked to see them kissing each other passionately beside the door. Apparently, that was not a kiss between friends, but a kiss between lovers!

I couldn’t believe my eyes.“Jane, the highly praised bride, kissed another man passionately just ten minutes before her wedding? How could that happen!” I whispered to myself. “Should I tell that to Michael?” Soon later, Michael’s broad smile and radiant face came into my mind.“No, I can’t be so cruel! If I do that, I will be the one who destroys all his happiness and drags him to hell from heaven; But if I keep the secret, Michael will still be buried in lies.That’s unfair! Oh,” I crushed my hat.“What should I do?” After a bitter struggle, I decided to tell Joey what I had seen. As Michael’s close friend, he was the most suitable person to give Michael a piece of advice. Unfortunately, I walked around the hall but couldn’t find Joey. “Where’s he?” I wondered, upset and worried. Finally, I found Joey in the backyard. “Hey, Joey! You can’t imagine what I have seen. Jane, she…”“George, I’ve been looking for you for ages!” Joey came up and dragged me forward. “Come with me! The wedding will be on within one minute.” “But…”I tried to tell him, but in vain. Finally, I was in my seat, waiting for the couple to vow before the god. The band blared out the wedding march, and the new couple appeared. I raised my eyes, and was completely dumbfounded. Michael, the happiest bridegroom in the world, was standing there with a man. The man, I had to say, was so familiar to me. I saw him kissing the bride a moment ago.

“Who’s the man standing there? Where’s the bride?” I couldn’t help asking Joey.

“That’s Jane, the bride. He will marry Michael today. Haven’t you seen him in the lounge?”

“How could he be the bride?”I almost cried out, “He’s a man!”

“Calm down, my friend. That’s nothing serious. Don’t you know that it’s a homosexual wedding today? ”

 “A homosexual wedding?” I repeated, totally confused.

“Yes! Well, I can’t believe that you don’t know Michael is a gay. You two have worked in the same company for several years!”Joey seemed to be as surprised as me.

“Moreover,” he added, “ Homosexual wedding has become legal in Canada for years, so there is no need to feel surprised.”

“But you said Michael and Jane were 100% matched! And who’s the young lady in the long dress and velvet veil?” I pointed to the lady sitting in the front row.

 “They do match perfectly!” Joey stared at me, “They have the same jobs.They share the same hobbies. They even share the same sex! Don’t you think they are 100% matched? As for the lady, she’s Sarah, Jane’s former girlfriend. They broke up five years ago when Jane acknowledged himself to be a homosexual. She came here to give her best wishes. Guess what, today, she is a bride, too. Her wedding will be on three hours later, just after Michael and Jane’s. The world is full of wonders and coincidences, isn’t it ?” That was the most unexpected wedding I had ever been to, and also the most embarrassing experience I had ever had, for my wedding gift were a pair of couple-fitted sportswear. I’m sure the sportswear for woman, which has pink T-shirt and blue skirt, will be useless for the new couple.


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