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我的生命是黄昏My Life iS Twilight

作者:O    文章来源:英文阅读网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-4 【我来说两句

4. In Geography we were learning about native Indians. We learned about reserves and treaties and naturally, the only thing that came to my mind was Jacob and La Push. When my teacher asked the class if we could name any reserves, my friend and I both responded by shouting out ‘LA PUSH BABY. LA PUSH.”

3. Yesterday morning, I told my boyfriend that he should come into my house through my window like Edward to watch me sleep. He did. MLIT!!

2. I love Twilight SOOOO much I can’t wait until I turn 18! Then I can FINALLY get an Edward tattoo with the word obsession written under it. My life really will be Twilight!

1.  My friend gave me a perfume for my birthday. and it said “TWILIGHT” on it. I started screaming up and down, thinking she bought me the actual trademark perfume, but then I noticed the smaller print “By Sarah Jessica Parker.” I stopped screaming and said “Oh.” I really hurt her feelings. MLIT.
Awesome.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go scream into my pillow for an hour.

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