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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-1-16 【我来说两句

看美剧学英语,通过美剧 欲望都市 来教大家英语及美国文化。绝对精彩,千万不容错过哦。


  CARRIE: Later that night Skipper Johnston met me for coffee and confessed a shocking intimate secret.


  Later that night. 那晚的晚些时候, later that day, 那天晚些时候

  Meet someone for coffee/lunch/dinner

  Confess:承认(通常是比较令人尴尬的事情)He confessed to me that he had never kissed a girl!

  Confession, n. : I have a confession to make. I am gay!


  Adj. A shocking moment 令人震惊的时刻

  Intimate: 亲密的 intimate friends, intimate relationship


  Intimacy, n: Please see the article of “triangular love” theory.

  SKIPPER: Do you know, it’s been like, a year?

  It’s been like a year (since I slept with a girl).

  Like: 大约,大概, How much does it cost? It’s like 5 dollars.

  CARRIE: Really? I don’t understand that. You’re such a nice guy

  SKIPPER: That’s the problem. I'm too nice, you know? I'm a romantic. I just have so much feeling.

  Too (太) v.s So (非常)The light is too bright. (光线太强,已经刺眼了)

  You know?的用法

  Romantic: n, 浪漫的人

  CARRIE: Are you sure you’re not gay?

  SKIPPER: No. I’m sensitive and I don’t objectify women. You know most guys, when they meet a girl, the first thing that they see is.. um.. you know?


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