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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标教育网www.59edu.com    点击数:    更新时间:2008-3-26 【我来说两句


29. ---I’m going to take the Z38 train to Beijing.

   ---Really? Be quick, _______ you won’t catch the train.

   A. but            B. or              C. and

30. ---Have you decided which you’d like to buy, the black shirt or the yellow one?

   ---The black one. Because it is _______ of the two.

   A. the nicer        B. the nicest        C. nicer

31. ---I saw Betty go to Grandpa Zhang’s home just now.

   ---Yes, she is often seen _______ the old man with his housework.

   A. to help         B. help            C. helps

V. 完形填空  阅读下面一则短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中,找出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(共14分,每小题1分)

Vicente Cabrera is a Mexican (墨西哥的) farmer. He works in the fields every day. His son, Tomas, is three years old. Tomas often  32  the fields with his father. Mr Cabrera works, and Tomas plays.

One day Mr Cabrera went to a field with Tomas. Tomas sat on a big stone  33  Mr Cabrera worked. Mr Cabrera  34  his work. Tomas wasn’t on the stone. Mr Cabrera looked in the field  _35  Tomas. Tomas wasn’t there. Mr Cabrera ran to his house and looked for Tomas. Tomas wasn’t there. Mr Cabrera looked  36  for Tomas. He couldn’t find him.

The Cabrera farm is  37  to the border (边界) between Mexico and the United States. There is  38  at the border, but there are holes in the fence. “Maybe Tomas crawled () _39  a hole in the fence,” Mr Cabrera thought. “Maybe Tomas is in the United States. ”

The  40  police telephoned the U.S. Border Patrol (巡警). “We need your help,” they said. The Mexican police told the U.S. Border Officers about Tomas.

The U.S. Border Patrol Officers began to look for Tomas in the United States. They were  _41 . The land near the border is desert. It is hot in the daytime and cold at night. A small boy  _40_ live long in the desert.

Tomas _43  on Friday afternoon. On Saturday night a U.S. Border Patrol officer saw small footprints (脚印) in the sand. He followed the footprints to a bush (丛林). Under the bush he _44_  Tomas. Tomas was cold, hungry, and thirsty. He had cuts (伤口) on his feet and face. But he was _45 . He was 24 kilometres from his home.

32. A. goes to      B. walks      C. plays       D. comes over

33. A. when       B. as         C. while      D. after

34. A. looked up from    B. stood from    C. came up from     D. went up from

35. A. at     B. for    C. after    D. up

36. A. anywhere    B. wherever    C. everywhere    D. somewhere

37. A. close     B. closely     C. nearby      D. near

38. A. a door     B. a fence    C. a hole    D. a wall

39. A. across    B. through     C. into    D. from


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