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作者:stephen    文章来源:www.59edu.com    点击数:    更新时间:2008-10-5 【我来说两句


1. Would you like to come to my birthday party / to go for a walk / to attend our wedding?
2. Let‘s go for a walk.
3. Do you want to join us in the game?
4. Why don‘t you come on a holiday with us?
5. Would you be able to drop in on us for a chat this evening?
6. Shall we have a drink at this restaurant?
7. Come to dinner with us. / May I invite you to dinner?
8. What / How about having a swim?
9. I was wondering if you‘d like to come to the party we are having on Sunday.
10. Joe and I will throw a dinner party this weekend. I hope you can come.  
1. 接受邀请:
①OK. / Yes. / Certainly. / Sure. Thank you.
②Yes, I‘d like to / I’m glad to. / I‘d like that, thanks.
③That would be wonderful / very nice. / That sounds a very good idea.


④I‘d love to come. Thank you for inviting me / asking me / your invitation.
⑤It‘s very kind of you. Thank you.
⑥It would give us great pleasure to enjoy Christmas with you. / We‘d like to have dinner with you. That would give me the greatest pleasure.
2. 拒绝邀请:
①No, thank you.
②What a pity! I’m afraid I can’t, but thank you all the same.
③I’m sorry I can’t. What about another time?
④I’d love to, but my mother is ill. / I’m afraid I have no time.
 不管对于哪一种邀请,被邀请者都应做出接受或拒绝的明确答复,形式可以不一,但切忌简单地说一声thank you,因为thank you并不能表明是否接受。
1. Will you be free tomorrow? / Do you have time this afternoon?
2. What time is convenient for you?
3. I’m here to make an appointment with President Hulls for an hour sometime tomorrow morning. / I’d like to make an appointment with Mr. Jones.


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