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作者:网络    文章来源:网络    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-2 【我来说两句

1. —What’s the time, please?
—It’s _______.
A. nine thirty-five                     B. forty-eight past six
C. fifty-five to four                  D. thirty-one two
2. January is _______ month of the year.
A. one                                    B. the one        
C. first                                   D. the first
3. There are _______ days in a year.
A. three hundreds sixty-five      B. three hundred and sixty-five
C. the third hundred sixty-five  D. third hundred and sixty-five
4. The computer was cheap. I spent only two _______ yuan on it.
A. thousands                           B. thousand      
C. thousands of                       D. thousand of
5. Please look at the following four pictures and write a _______ story about them.
A. one-hundred-word               B. one-hundred-words  
C. one-hundreds-word              D. one-hundreds-words
6. —On which floor do you live?
—The _______ floor, and my room number is _______.
A. fifth; five zero two               B. fifth; five zero second
C. five; five zero second           D. five; five zero two
7.In our city                people have moved into their new houses.
A. thousand                             B. thousands    
C. thousands of                        D. many thousand
8. Now children, turn to page _______ and look at the _______ picture in Lesson Two.
A. twentieth, one                      B. twenty, one
C. twentieth, first                     D. twenty, first 
9. Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a _______ one.
A. three                                   B. third 
C. forth                                   D.
10. About _______ of the students in our class are League members.
A. four-fifths                           B. four-fifth
C. four-fives                            D. four-fifths
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