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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-30 【我来说两句

Buffett's view of inherited money also departs from the norm. Critical of the self-indulgence of the super-rich, Buffett thinks of inheritances as"privately funded food stamps"that keep children of the rich from leading normal, independent lives. With his own three kids, he gave them each $10,000 a year--the tax-deductible limit--at Christmas. When he gave them a loan, they had to sign a written agreement. When his daughter, also named Susie like her mother, needed $20 to park at the airport, he made her write him a check for it.

巴菲特对待遗产的态度也与众不同。他对"超级富人"自我放纵的生活方式非常反感, 他把遗产看作是"私人资助的饭票", 这让有钱人家的孩子们无法过上正常而独立的生活。对自己的3个孩子, 巴菲特在每年圣诞节时给他们每人1万美元作为一年的花销--免征所得税收的最低限度。若是给他们贷款, 则需签订书面协议。有一次他的女儿苏茜--与母亲同名--在机场需要20美元的停车费, 巴菲特虽然把钱借给了她, 但却要求女儿给自己写一张支票当作偿还。

As for charity, Buffett's strict standards have made it difficult for him to give much away. He evaluates charities the same way he looks for stocks:value for money, return on invested capital. He has established the Buffett Foundation, designed to accumulate money and give it away after his and his wife's deaths--though the foundation has given millions to organizations involved with population control, family planning, abortion, and birth control. The argument goes that Buffett can actually give away a greater sum in the end by growing his money while he's still alive.

巴菲特严格的处事标准使他即使是面对慈善事业也很难慷慨解囊。他对待慈善事业的态度犹如对待股票:认真评估投入资本的有价回报。他建立了巴菲特基金会, 意在积累资金, 在自己和妻子死后发放。不过巴菲特基金会至今已为许多组织捐资数百万美元, 资助的项目包括人口控制、计划生育、堕胎和避孕等。许多人认为通过进一步扩张现有财力, 巴菲特在有生之年就可最终捐出一大笔款项。

One thing's for sure about Buffett:He 's happy doing what he's doing. "I get to do what I like to do every single day of the year, "he says. "I get to do it with people I like, and I don't have to associate with anybody who causes my stomach to churn. I tap dance to work, and when I get there I think I'm supposed to lie on my back and paint the ceiling. It's tremendous fun." It's fun to watch the master at work, too.

对于巴菲特来说, 有一点可以肯定:他非常热爱自己的工作。"一年中的每一天我都在做自己喜欢做的事, 我与自己喜欢的人一起工作。我用不着与自己讨厌的人打交道。我欣欣然扑向工作, 到了公司我会觉得工作就好像是让自己仰面躺下, 用手中的笔绘制天花板一般轻松。工作让我乐趣无穷。"巴菲特说。当然看一位大师级人物工作也同样是乐趣无穷。 

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