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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2011-5-13 【我来说两句



【分析】最佳答案为C。第一空填a,比较好理解;而第二空填a是因为此句中的one 并非指前面提到的 pen,即这里的 one 与前面的 pen 并非同一事物,这从后面一句的 I think I saw it somewhere 可以清楚地知道。请比较下面一题:

“Have you seen _____ pen? I left it here this morning.” “Is it _____ black one? I found it in the corner.”

A. a, the B. the, the

C. a, a D. the, a

此题的最佳答案是 A不是C。请注意其后 I found it in the corner这一信息,它表明说明者是拿着笔在与对方说话。请再看一个类似的例子:

“Have you seen _______ new bike? I put it here just now.” “Is it _______ white one? A boy has ridden it away.”

A. a; a B. a; the

C. the; the D. the; a

此题答案选A,注意其后的 A boy has ridden it away 表明自行车已不在说话者身旁。

6. My friend Mary is _____ beautiful girl and _____ girl everyone likes to work with.

A. a, a B. a, the

C. the, a D. the, the

【陷阱】很容易误选B,认为第一次提到 girl 用不定冠词,第二次提到就应该用定冠词。

【分析】最佳答案为A。句中第二次提到 girl 时并不是特指的,此句实为一省略句,补充完整为 My friend Mary is a beautiful girl and she is a girl everyone likes to work with. 请再做以下试题(答案选A):

(1) Jim is _______ brave boy and _______ boy never fearing anything.

A. a, a B. a, the

C. the, a D. the, the

(2) It is really _______ useful dictionary and _______ dictionary every one of us needs.

A. a, a B. a, the

C. the, a D. the, the


1. Since tasting the excitement of _____ big city life, she never wants to live in _____ country again.

A. the, the B. 不填,不填

C. the, 不填 D. 不填,the

2. The operation is _____ success and the patient is now out of _____ danger.

A. a, the B. a, 不填

C. 不填, the D. 不填,不填

3. As _____ writer, he was _____ complete failure.

A. a, a B. a, the

C. 不填,不填 D. a, 不填

4. How strange! These years my birthday always falls _____.

A. on the Sunday B. on a Sunday

C. on Sunday D. at a Sunday

5. This is _____ best kind of _____ pen you can get here.

A. the, the B. the, a

C. the, 不填 D. a, the

6. As is known to us all, _____ tiger is in _____ danger of becoming extinct.

A. the, a B. the, 不填

C. a, 不填 D. 不填, the

7. He spent too much time talking on ______ phone while we were all busy at _____ work.

A. the, 不填 B. a, 不填

C. 不填, 不填 D. the, the

8. As _______ unemployment is very high at the moment, it’s very difficult for people to find _______ work.

A. the, 不填 B.不填,不填

C. the, a D. an, the

9. Apartments in cities can be quite high. Renters are paying up to $1,000 per month for _______ bedroom apartment.

A. one a B. the one C. one D. a one

10. The education of ______ young is always ______ hot and serious topic.

A. 不填, 不填 B. the, a

C. 不填, the D. the, 不填


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